Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Ask

I wish you all could have been at the vestry meeting a week ago Monday night. Our smart, faithful vestry members had a difficult but familiar conversation about money. As you can see from the thermometer out in the narthex, we have so far received a little more than half of what we need to function on next year. The implications of this shortfall are significant.

Every year we conduct a stewardship campaign. Over the past few years, we have started year round stewardship, focusing through the year on the many ways we can give back from what God has so generously provided for us – through time, talent and treasure.

Theresa Luby and her stewardship team have done a great job of creating a narrative budget and messaging to make our needs and aspirations clear. We’ve had speakers and letters and inserts casting a vision for where we want to go. And still, we are just half of where we need to be.

Our conversation Monday night was earnest. Where are we going wrong? One of the many ideas the vestry had pointed to me. I need to ask. I need to inspire. I need to move people to give. If I ask, the money will come.

Now, I appreciate the confidence the vestry has in me. And I wish I had that kind of power. But this place is not about me. St. David’s is about God. St. David’s is about the transformational power of the love of Jesus. This is not about me as rector; this has everything to do with about the God to whom I point.

I know that when you come here on Sundays the last thing you want is to be asked for more money. Our phones ring off the hook with robo calls. Junk mail stuffs our mailboxes with requests for donations. You may have come from another church in which it seemed like ‘money was all they talked about’ or you were judged by how much or how little you give. Church should be a place to rest and refresh and feel good, right?

Yes, AND what we do on Sunday morning – gathering together, singing, praying, joining around this table with a welcome that includes everyone – what we do here on Sunday is inextricably related to the money you choose to give as a spiritual discipline. Without your pledge, we can’t keep the doors open. Without your pledge, we won’t have clergy or staff. Without your pledge, we won’t have music or outreach or education.

This ask is not about me but very definitely about this place – something about St. David’s that calls us to something more, something deeper. This ask is about our covenant community and how God changes lives here.

The financial reality of St. David’s is that we are still paying our mortgage. We get no financial support from the diocese and in fact pay in stewardship to them. Our staff is hard-working and efficient; we watch every penny and there is no fat to trim in our budget. Your vestry has worked to be responsible in stewardship and in transparency.

There are so many ministry needs and so much we can do to grow in our work here. Please make a commitment to St. David’s today. You might be worried if you’ll be able to fulfill the pledge you make. We know how quickly our lives can change. You are always more than welcome to change your pledge, no questions asked, if you are not able to fulfill it.

You might wonder if completing a pledge commitment means you are becoming an Episcopalian. Filling out a pledge form doesn’t mean you have converted. If you are interested in becoming an Episcopalian I will be more than happy to meet with you about how that can happen.

Your pledge means you are committed to St. David’s and the vision and mission of this place. Your pledge means you belong here.

Commit to God, commit to us in this covenant community. Decide that the transformation you feel and see here is life giving and meaningful. Decide that this place means something to you, that you believe in what we are trying to do here to create a community in which everyone is welcome and religion is not about keeping some people out, or learning to hate. The world has enough hate and fear right now. This place is about life, and joy, and working for peace and justice. We are thoughtful, faithful, hopeful people who know that we need to be the change the world so desperately needs.

And so, I am asking – asking you to join us, to be a part of us. Please complete a pledge form today. Your vestry thanks you. And I thank you, and thank God for you.
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